
Aberlink HORIZON 1000 CNC CMM

Extending the linear drive horizonDrawing upon the tremendous success of the Horizon 800, the Horizon 1000 has a larger X-Y-Z axis travel whilst utilising the same frictionless linear drives.The entire design of the Horizon 1000 has been optimised to take full advantage of parts already used on the Horizon 800 whilst improving the stiffness-to-weight ratio across the bridge assembly. Most notably: The Y-axis rail is 200mm taller so that the same right-hand-side linear drive system is common and improves rigidity; the carriage assembly has reduced in size and weight, without compromising metrology performance, to improve the stiffess-to-weight ratio; the Z-axis motor has increased power to optimise its performance; the left-hand-side air bearing assembly has a custom extruded profile to keep weight to an absolute minimum and maintain stiffness.Key features- Linear motors offer frictionless, smooth, silent motion- Thermal isolation of motors from metrology structure- Aberlink�s revolutionary easy-to-use measurement software- Smooth motion ideal for contact scanning- Shortest learning curve of any equivalent system � 1 day without prior CMM experience- Choice of Y axis sizes ranging from 1200mm to 2000mm- Suitable for the workshop environment- Industrial joystick supplied as standard- Free stylus change rack with every motorised probe head upgradeHigh performance, high accuracyThe Horizon 1000 is a standout machine with fast, smooth, silent motion ideally suited to contact scanning and with a first-term accuracy specification of under two microns.Unrivalled ReliabilityLinear motors are non-contact and therefore have no wearing parts and thus provide the perfect solution for CMM drives, improving reliability and reducing maintenance.

Visit the Innovative Measurement Technology website for more information on Aberlink HORIZON 1000 CNC CMM


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