Hog Rings For Gabion Baskets
Hog Rings For Gabion Basket ConstructionGabion Basket & Gabion Mattress rings
When constructing a retaining wall, it can be that it is constructed using Gabion Baskets or, if the profile is lower, a Gabion Matress is specified. � These are heavy gauge wire baskets that are constructed from "Flat packs" then filled with ballast - usually stone, then sealed using very heavy duty hog rings. � We are able to supply the tool to apply the hog rings and either Stainless Steel Hog rings for costal areas or corrosive atmoshperes or normal Galvanised hog rings. � Please contact our �technical helpdesk for further information at �
Visit the L D Leigh and Co Ltd website for more information on Hog Rings For Gabion Baskets