
Chemical Emissions Certification

UL brings more than a century of experience in safety science, standards development and rigorous testing to the emerging field of environmental certifications. Our renowned GREENGUARD Certification gives manufacturers the opportunity to showcase their commitment to sustainable, healthier indoor environments by testing and certifying their products for low chemical emissions. Definition Testing and certifying interior products and materials for low chemical emissions, helping to reduce indoor air pollution, minimize chemical exposure and create healthier indoor environments. Benefits GREENGUARD Certification helps manufacturers make and market products that contribute to the creation of healthier indoor environments. The UL GREENGUARD Certification mark communicates to customers that representative samples of a product have undergone rigorous scientific testing to meet some of the world's most stringent chemical emissions requirements – helping reduce indoor air pollution and the potential for airborne chemical exposure. This gives manufacturers a distinct competitive advantage in an increasingly muddled green marketplace. GREENGUARD Certification is recognized and referenced in numerous building programs, standards and specifications around the world. Low-emitting products that are GREENGUARD Certified or GREENGUARD Gold Certified can contribute to the achievement of points in established green building rating systems, satisfy code or ordinance criteria and meet indoor air quality specific RFP requirements. GREENGUARD Certification is the very first voluntary North American indoor air quality product certification created specifically for commercial building products, this certification requires that products meet stringent chemical emissions requirements for over 360 VOCs, plus a limit on the total of all chemical emissions combined. Products undergo routine monitoring and annual retesting to ensure continued compliance with the GREENGUARD Certification standard. GREENGUARD Gold Certification was developed with the specific health sensitivities of children and other vulnerable health populations in mind and based on key criteria from public health agencies, this certification sets some of the world’s most stringent emission limits on over 360 chemicals, a limit on total chemical emissions, and a limit on phthalate emissions. Products undergo routine monitoring and annual retesting to ensure continued compliance with the GREENGUARD Gold standard.

Visit the UL International (UK) Ltd website for more information on Chemical Emissions Certification


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