
Continuous Improvement Advisory Service

Optimizing a business requires an actionable plan that enables growth while supporting excellence. UL’s continuous improvement advisory service helps our customers leverage their internal capabilities to create a solid foundation that can provide a sustainable return on investment. Working with our customers, we transform workplace cultures in the manufacturing, service, government and health care fields. Definition UL's continuous improvement advisory service works with our customers to identify systemic issues in management systems and operations. Our expert team provides guidance to help remediate these issues and share best practices in process management to facilitate and maintain positive change. Benefits Customers of UL's continuous improvement advisory services gain direct access to process improvement experts who work as a true part of their teams. Companies can choose to engage industry-specialist advisors on a full- or part-time basis, either for a specific project or only as needed. UL's knowledge experts perform site assessments that evaluate value streams and identify non-value-added activities and waste, leveraging Lean management tools such as value stream mapping, Takt time analysis, process metrics, the corrective action/preventive action (CAPA) process and positive complaint management techniques. In all cases, UL's team also provides customers with targeted guidance on how to identify continuous improvement opportunities, solve problems, develop solutions that enhance quality and reduce cost, and sustain momentum. The process improvement methods being used encourage a transformed culture of continuous improvement.

Visit the UL International (UK) Ltd website for more information on Continuous Improvement Advisory Service


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