
MIFARE4Mobile Certification

MIFARE®-based products have been adopted on a large scale, primarily in the form of plastic cards and paper tickets. MIFARE4Mobile® extends the availability of MIFARE technologies to embrace the mobile form factor. It provides Mobile Network Operators, Trusted Services Managers and service providers with a single, interoperable programming interface to remotely provision and manage MIFARE-based services in embedded secure elements and SIM cards of mobile NFC devices "over the air" (OTA). The MIFARE4Mobile® Industry Group has accredited UL's MIFARE4Mobile Test Center to offer exclusive certification services. The MIFARE4Mobile Industry Group comprises leading players in the NFC ecosystem, including Gemalto, Giesecke & Devrient, NXP, Oberthur Technologies and STMicroelectronics. Through this test center, the MIFARE4Mobile Industry Group aims to ensure interoperability and functional vulnerability protection in the mobile payment market. Secure element vendors and handset manufacturers that wish to implement MIFARE4Mobile in their products, need to go through MIFARE4Mobile certification. As complexity is growing, interoperability becomes more and more important. A streamlined process for a clear certification path will ensure everyone plays by the same rules to ensure this interoperability. Get your products certified by UL’s MIFARE4Mobile Test Center to ensure that your products are secure and interoperable before release to the market. SERVICES INCLUDE • M4M Platform Certification • M4M Secure Element Certification

Visit the UL International (UK) Ltd website for more information on MIFARE4Mobile Certification


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