Industrial vibration equipment handles heavy materials in foundry and quarry applications
One of the biggest challenges facing process handling equipment in the foundry and quarry industries is the wear and damage that heavy and aggressive materials can cause to equipment. This can prove costly when having to commit time to regular maintenance, money on replacement parts and, in the worst case scenario, halt production completely to service the equipment.
A variety of industrial vibration equipment is used for processes at foundries and quarries, the most popular of which being vibratory feeders, vibrating conveyors and charging systems. The advantage of vibration, over other handling equipment, is that the heavy material is only in contact with the trough for approximately 65% of the time it is fed or conveyed, thus substantially reducing the wear.
The design, methods of manufacture and choice of materials for the construction of the feeders, conveyors or systems can all serve to ensure that the equipment is particularly durable. Sourcing such equipment from a company that designs and manufactures in-house has its benefits, as the long-life requirements of the equipment are not only met at first design but also carried throughout the build.
For applications where the feed rate remains constant, or where infrequent adjustment may be required, the use of twin, contra-rotating, asynchronous motors are well suited to the job. Their robust construction makes them perfect for the environment, as well as being easy set-up and requiring practically no servicing. A range of electrical control equipment is also offered including d.c injection braking facility which dramatically reduces pull up time and eliminates problems of amplitude build up during the run down phase.
For applications where infinitely variable feed rates, frequent start/stop duty cycles and immediate feed cut off are required, the well proven electromagnetic drive with thyristor control is the natural choice. Controls can be provided with a number of adaptor modules which enable simple and easy interfacing with process controlled applications such as crushing, dosing, milling and weighing.
When designed and manufactured to an advanced quality, industrial vibration equipment can prove most effective in the foundry and quarry industries. Not being held back by wear or damage, vibrating feeders and vibratory conveyors provide efficient and reliable handling with low power consumption and a long working life.Visit the Applied Vibration Ltd website for more information on Industrial vibration equipment handles heavy materials in foundry and quarry applications