
BWC Supports Open Door MK Charity!


BWC Group takes pride in doing things for charity and helping those less fortunate. When we’re not busy supplying aluminium and plastic extrusion, we are always keen to raise money for good causes, and to give something back to the community. Recently we were introduced to the registered charity Open Door MK, and decided to contribute by offering them an iPad to help with their organisations operations. Open Door does some amazing activities supporting the community, and works with and for homeless people and those who are ‘vulnerably housed’ to support them into accommodation and to help reintegrate them into society. They do this by providing 2 weekly drop-ins where people can have a hot meal and access support services such as housing, health, mental health and drug and alcohol support. The drop-in sees around 50 people each week. If you feel like helping a good cause or volunteering then please see the Open Door MK website below, they are always looking for help and support.

Visit the BWC Aluminium Ltd website for more information on BWC Supports Open Door MK Charity!


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