
Expandable Gravity Roller Conveyors

We offer two types of expandable gravity conveyors: Skatewheels and rollers. The Skatewheels are suited for rigid boxes, whereas the rollers can better accomodate slightly soft packaging, thin-skinned boxes, or slightly odd shapes.In each case, when fully expanded, the minimum box/product size if about 400mm in the direction of travel, as standard. However, we can provide shorter pitches on request, permitting box sizess down to 180mm. As standard, the units are supplied with 127x38mm castors featuring combined wheel/swivel brakes. However, we can provide them with a larger 150mm castor if you prefer. (this makes it much easier to maneuver)The units are available in three widths: 450mm, 600mm and 750mm. They can be made in any length you require. In addition, smaller units can be 'daisy chained' together to form longer lengths.Whether skatewheel or roller, the conveyor is 'self tracking', so that packages will follow the line of the conveyor no matter how much it is curved, and will not fall off. The conveyors have adjustable, telescopic legs to give a working height (to the top of the roller or skatewheel) of between 720mm and 1000mm. (this is slightly higher if the 150mm castor wheels are used).

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