
No to Degradable Exemption


Jessica Baker of Chase Plastics Ltd was called to give evidence at the Environmental Audit Committee in January 2014. The committee was investigating the possible exemption from the plastic carrier bag tax for biodegradable bags. The committee is concerned that any exemption from the tax will give a mixed message to consumers about litter. From a plastics reprocessors point of view, and exemption given to a 'degradable' plastic of any type could play havoc with the established recycling sector. Many of Jessica's comments were later published by the EAC in its recommendations to Government. They agreed that the uptake of free degradable bags would cause a huge increase in their numbers and agreed that such bags green credentials are dubious at best. They agreed that they pose a real threat to the current plastics reprocessing sector.

Visit the Chase Plastics Ltd website for more information on No to Degradable Exemption


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