
What Our Customers Say!


"It is a pleasure doing business with a company that you can trust.” "We trialled this and were delighted with the ease of set up and the reliable recognition of all our staff. "Managing hours used to take several hours a week and was a big headache. Thanks to uAttend we’ve eliminated human error, saved ourselves money and managing wages has become stress-free, as we simply forward reports to our accounts department. We also have complete support from uAttend and help is always available." "I now have the uAttend “trackmytime” website as my homepage on the internet and every morning we check to see who has logged in." "We have had good acceptance of the system and would without hesitation recommend it to any other company wishing to make a move to a time and attendance system without investing huge amounts of money." “From day one, the system has delivered significant savings and improved our operations immeasurably. For example, staff members who are late for work are only paid for the exact hours they do which means a payroll saving (as previously they would probably have been paid). This has had the added bonus of ensuring that staff are now more likely to turn up for work on time, improving our operations and ensuring we can continue to deliver the highest quality of service our customers expect."

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