
University students given behind-the-scenes tour of R&D facility


Transvac opens the doors to its state-of-the-art R&D facility to local students Transvac recently welcomed local students from The University of Nottingham to a tour of their state-of-the-art Research & Development facility. The 3rd year Chemical and Environmental Engineering students were given a presentation about the company and an introduction to Ejectors (Transvac’s primary product) and how Ejector technology works, by Gary Short, Transvac’s Projects Director. The students were then taken on an in-depth tour of the R&D facility, where Projects Manager David Moss talked through all of the engineering and performance testing rigs currently in use at the facility. He demonstrated how these rigs have been used to provide thorough and accurate performance testing of Ejectors, developing new designs and patented solutions. Dr Richard Smith, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at The University of Nottingham says “The capability and facilities at Transvac, in the field in which they operate, are impressive and second to none. It’s vital that our Chemical and Environmental Engineering students take the opportunity to engage with companies like Transvac to enhance their studies, discuss placement opportunities and identify potential career pathways”. Dr Smith also added that he and the students felt it was “Our best visit to date.” Transvac’s HR manager, Jenny Lucas added “Most students that are doing a Chemical Engineering degree do so with the end goal being to work at a large company like BP. Another purpose of these visits is to explain that an SME, such as Transvac, often has so much more to offer than a large company, seeing projects develop from the start, through to testing and on-site commissioning.” Transvac have a close working relationship with the University of Nottingham. As well as offering site visits, Transvac also work with the University to offer 12-month industrial placements to 2nd and 3rd year students. Current Project Engineer Intern, Cosmin Florea, assisted David and Gary in the tour and presentations. Transvac have recently been awarded grant funding from the Technology Strategy Board for a project that will be executed in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. Following the site visit, several of the students have now applied to Transvac for a 12-month internship scheme, or an 8-week summer placement where they feel that experience to be gained at Transvac would be invaluable to the future Chemical Engineering career.

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