09.11.2011 - VIPA ecoPanels: Efficient visualisation at attractive prices
The newly issued ecoPanel series of VIPA provides plant and machinery builders completely new opportunities: efficient visualisation at attractive prices. The new touch panels require no moving parts.
For more than 25 years VIPA has had a name in automation engineering in the fields of controls, I/O systems and touch panels. In the new touch panel series VIPA focuses especially on product durability and quality. This will be achieved by special constructions which enable operation without fan or disc.
Manyfold interfaces like Ethernet, USB as well as serial interfaces cover all requirements. Depending on the version the display resolution is 480x272 (4,3“) or 800x480 (7“) pixel. The operating system Windows embedded CE 6.0 in combination with the worldwide known SCADA solution Movicon Basic is applied. The software focuses the powerful Movicon technology in simplified form in an extremely user friendly editing environment. Modular and scalable projects provide an efficient projecting, cover all customer requirements and ensure complete compatibility with higher Movicon Scada levels.Visit the Vipa Ltd website for more information on 09.11.2011 - VIPA ecoPanels: Efficient visualisation at attractive prices