ISO 9001:2015 - Achieving new standards !
With the new ISO 9001:2015 standards having been published, we are delighted to report that after our recent BSI 9001:2008 audit, we are 64% ready to transition to this new standard. With the national average for the transition being 30% this means we are well on our way to meeting the full requirements of this new standard
With ISO 9001 being the worlds most popular standard for quality management systems, here at Contact, we embrace the concept of quality through continual improvement, with continued customer satisfaction always the ultimate goal of our Quality Management System.
We look forward to improving our processes wherever possible throughout 2017, with our ultimate goal always being, to meet, if not exceed, you, or valued customers expectationsVisit the Contact Attachments Ltd website for more information on ISO 9001:2015 - Achieving new standards !