Salt Spreaders available - plan ahead for the winter months ahead
It’s coming to that time of year again when our attentions are turning to the winter months ahead, and how best to cope with what the weather is going to throw at us.
Here at Contact we supply a range of quality salt spreaders that can help keep your operations moving. Simple to use and hassle free, our salt spreaders can be put to action quickly and effortlessly when salt gritting is required.
Supplied with both a towing eye and ball hitch, our towable salt spreader can be easily connected to your forklift truck, and with no electrical or hydraulic connection required, you can be up and running (or we should say ‘spreading’) in no time.
Our walk behind pedestrian salt gritter offers the ideal solution for keeping walkways and access ways free from ice. Simple to use (just like our towable salt spreader), this convenient little salt spreader can be put to work straight away, and with a host of features, it provides a low cost and effective solution for your salt spreading needs
Our towable and pedestrian salt spreaders are available from stock, but when the weather turns, these salt spreaders can quickly disappear. To ensure your salt spreading needs are catered for, contact our sales team today and order yours before the rush, it makes sense to plan aheadVisit the Contact Attachments Ltd website for more information on Salt Spreaders available - plan ahead for the winter months ahead